Please accept the profound gratitude of the Leadership Team of the USA Province together with the Community of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God, and particularly myself, for your efforts in producing the video. It depicts not only our congregation’s history, its past and current ministries but also includes our hopes and plans for the future. It’s obvious that all who were instrumental in seeing this venture come to fruition put their heart and soul into this assignment and the final result really shows!

To say we were impressed with the production – video editing, quality and overall output – would be a gross understatement. All who have seen the video said it truly depicts the reality of life in our community. Our enthusiasm was perhaps best expressed by the spontaneous applause that followed the initial viewing of the video at the recent Autumn Gala dinner. Plans are well in process of selecting those benefactors who will be receiving a personal copy of the video in the near future.

Thank you, John, once again for bringing to bear your talents and years of experience on our project. What we were striving for has been accomplished thanks to your diligence and commitment. Please know that you will be kept in prayerful remembrance by this community which you so attentively illustrated in the completed successful undertaking.

In prayerful gratitude and deepest appreciation

Sister J. Lora Dambroski, OSF
USA Provincial Minister

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